1. “Personal Data” is any data that identifies you. We will deal with your Personal Data in compliance with the current UK data protection legislation. Please note this applies only to PC PAL not to other companies’ or organisations’ websites to which we link.

2. Personal Data may be collected, processed and used by PC PAL in the course of providing the PC PAL Service to you and the other purposes mentioned below. Personal Data may also be processed and used by such other organisations on our behalf for the purpose of providing the PC PAL service to you. The use of information will remain under the control of PC PAL (or to of other companies within the PC PAL group of companies of which PC PAL is part and to whom we may pass your Personal Data) at all times.

3. Only if you have given us permission will we send mail, email and text messages to you about new products and services which we consider may be of interest to you.

4. We may collect Personal Data about your usage of the PC PAL Service in order to provide a service to meet your needs, and to let you know about products and services that may be of interest to you by means other than email and text messages. However, the data will only be disclosed on an anonymous and aggregated basis not in a way in which you will be identified.

5. We may hold Personal Data relating to the transactions you enter into with us or others through the PC PAL service such as an online seller. We will disclose Personal Data to a party to the transaction, but only to assist your transaction.

6. You agree that for the purposes of providing the PC PAL service to you it may be necessary for your Personal Data to be passed by us or other organisations involved in providing the PC PAL service to companies outside the European Union.

7. If you have any questions about the handling or protection of your Personal Data or your rights under this privacy statement please write to us at : The Data Protection Officer, PC PAL, Concorde House, Trinity Park, Solihull B37 7UQ.

8. PC PAL may disclose your Personal Data acting in good faith if it believes such action is necessary to conform with a legal requirement or comply with the legal process, protect and defend the rights or property of PC PAL or other members of the Orange group of companies, enforce this Online Agreement, act to protect the interests of its registered users or others.

9. Cookies

9.1 The PC PAL service may make use of “cookies”. A cookie is a small text file which is placed on your hard disk. Cookies contain information about you and your chosen preferences. For example, it might contain a record of which pages within the PC PAL website you visited, to help us customise the website for you the next time you visit.

9.2 Only the information that you provide, or the choices you make, while visiting the PC PAL website can be stored in a cookie. For example, the PC PAL website cannot determine your email address unless you choose to type it. Allowing PC PAL to create a cookie does not give PC PAL access to the rest of your computer and only PC PAL can read it.

9.3 PC PAL will only use the cookies created to enhance your experience. What this means is that when you use the site PC PAL will be able to keep certain settings for you for when you return. It also means that you do not need to choose options such as your TV or weather region every time you visit the site as we store them for you during the time you spend browsing our site

All contents of the pcpal.co.uk website are Copyright © 2013 PC PAL Franchising Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, in English or in other languages, is strictly prohibited.

PC PAL is a registered ® trademark. Under the Trade Marks Act 1994 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, PC PAL has been registered under No. 2395877.